Game: Ethos Card Sort

The Ethos Card Sort is an interactive and engaging game designed to help you identify your core values and guiding principles by prioritizing and discussing various aspects of your life. This game can be played individually or with a group, making it a fun and insightful way to discover your personal ethos.


  • Index cards or small pieces of paper

  • Pen or marker


  1. Prepare a list of values, beliefs, and guiding principles that are potentially relevant to you or the group. This list can be as long or as short as you like, but aim for at least 20-30 items. Examples include honesty, family, creativity, financial security, freedom, loyalty, spirituality, and so on.

  2. Write each value, belief, or guiding principle on a separate index card or piece of paper.

  3. Shuffle the cards and spread them out on a table or the floor.

  4. If playing individually, proceed to step 5. If playing with a group, take turns picking a card and discussing why the selected value or guiding principle is important to you. Each player should listen carefully and openly to the others' perspectives, as this can help reveal shared values or introduce new ideas to consider.

  5. Individually or as a group, sort the cards into three categories: "Most Important," "Somewhat Important," and "Least Important." This process may require negotiation and discussion if playing with a group, allowing for deeper exploration of each value or guiding principle.

  6. Once the initial sorting is complete, take a closer look at the "Most Important" category. If playing individually, narrow this category down to your top 5-10 values or guiding principles. If playing with a group, discuss which values or guiding principles are shared among the group and come to a consensus on the top 5-10.

  7. Reflect on the selected values and guiding principles, considering how they align with your actions, decisions, and life experiences. These core values will form the foundation of your personal ethos.

The Ethos Card Sort game provides a fun and interactive way to explore your core values and guiding principles, either individually or with a group. Revisiting the game periodically can help you reassess your priorities and nurture your ongoing journey of self-discovery and ethos development.


MTB Paradise: Top Mountain Biking Trails in Valley County, Idaho


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