20 deep questions for Ethos exploration

Explore and discover your Ethos through this playful game of questions.

  1. If you could have a superpower that aligns with one of your core values, what would it be and why?

  2. If you were to create a personalized board game based on your ethos, what would the main objective be and how would players achieve it?

  3. Imagine your values are represented by different animals. Which animals would best symbolize your guiding principles and why?

  4. Which fictional character or superhero do you think embodies your values the most, and how do they demonstrate these values in their story?

  5. If you could travel back in time and meet a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give about staying true to your guiding principles?

  6. Create a playlist of songs that represent your values and guiding principles. What tracks would you include and why?

  7. If your life were a movie, how would your ethos be reflected in the film's theme, storyline, and characters?

  8. How would you use your favorite hobby or pastime to express your values and guiding principles to others?

  9. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take three items that represent your core values, what would they be and why?

  10. If you could throw a themed party based on your ethos, what would the theme be and how would the party reflect your values?

  11. Imagine you are writing a children's book that teaches the importance of your guiding principles. What would the story be about and how would it convey your values?

  12. Design a personal logo or symbol that represents your ethos. What elements would you include and why?

  13. If you were a contestant on a reality show, how would your values and guiding principles influence your gameplay and interactions with other contestants?

  14. Which famous quote or saying best encapsulates your ethos, and why does it resonate with you?

  15. If you could start a charity or nonprofit organization that aligns with your values, what cause would it support and how would it operate?

  16. Imagine you have a magic wand that can transform your environment to reflect your ethos. What changes would you make to your surroundings?

  17. If your values could be represented by a unique ice cream flavor, what would it be called and what ingredients would it contain?

  18. What would a day fully dedicated to living in alignment with your values look like, from morning to night?

  19. If you could design a holiday based on one of your core values, how would it be celebrated and what traditions would people follow?

  20. Create a fun team-building activity or game that helps people explore and share their guiding principles with others. What would the activity involve and how would it encourage self-discovery?


Game: Ethos Card Sort


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